The TC16 ASTM D1796 has place for nine 8″ centrifuge cones and is an ideal solution to preheat the centrifuge cones as required when follwing the determination for water and sediment in fuel oils (ASTM D1796) or crude oils (ASTM D4007) by the centrifuge method. The robust TC16 is according to the requirements of the ASTM D1796 test method where a water bath is prescribed to preheat the cone-shaped centrifuge tubes. With the levelling platform and special designed rack, centrifuge tubes can be immersed up to the 100 mL mark, as prescribed in the ASTM methods. The temperature can be set from ambient +5°C to 250°C. The wetted parts in the TC16 are made from stainless steel. The TC16 is used for precise temperature control and offers high reliability for use under rough circumstances.
The insulation of the bath and electronic design result in a stable working temperature of ± 0.02°C. The set point temperature can be set in steps of 0.1°C in the range of 0°C up to 250°C (32°F..482°F). The accuracy on the display is displayed in 0.1°C. However the controller has an internal accuracy of 0.01°C. This two decimal-readout also is available from the optional RS232 and the free Tamcom software. The bath is equipped with a cooling coil for counter-cooling. The bath conforms to CE regulation. It is further equipped with a mechanical resettable safety thermostat and a drain to empty the bath.
Features and Benefits
- Position for nine 8″ centrifuge cones
- Cones can be immersed up to 100 mL mark
- Suitable for internal and external applications
- Stainless steel, robust bath
- Easy to read display
- Very quiet
- Easy switching between internal and external circulation
- Insulated bath provides extreme temperature stability
- Integrated cooling coil for counter-cooling
- Bath drain